2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Ste 600
Charlotte, NC 28273


Prayers of Restoration e-Book

Prayers of Restoration was compiled to help you align your prayer life with God’s Word. We trust that you’ll be blessed as you use this practical tool.

If you’re looking for a spiritual community to connect with and to grow your faith in these challenging times, we invite you to the Restoration Place Church. We’re here so that you have a place to belong, believe and become all that you were meant to be in Christ.

Browse our website and be sure to reach out to the ministry with questions or needs.

You’re welcome to come visit us live anytime at our Charlotte location in the Steele Creek | Whitehall community.


Serving Charlotte

North Carolina & Beyond

Sundays: 10:30 AM

Worship Experience

1st Sundays: Communion, Dedications, & Family First Giving

Mondays 6:00 AM

Live Stream Prayer Connection

Wednesdays 7:30 PM

Restoration Training Nights

5th Wednesdays: Night of Worship (N.O.W.)

4th Saturdays: Time TBD

BLOC Students & Young Adults Night

Prayers of Restoration | The Restoration Place Church

Start with Prayer

At Restoration, we not only believe in the power of prayer, we believe in the law of prayer. Download a complimentary copy of our Prayers of Restoration e-Book to begin stirring the wonder-working of God in your life.


One Service

Join us at 10:30 AM!

2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 600, Charlotte, NC 28273