Thank you for your interest in taking the next step with the Restoration family!
Growth Track consists of 4 Steps and is a hybrid in-person and on-line course.
Step 1: Inside Restoration
Meet Senior Pastors, Dr. Dexter and Pastor Genette Howard, and Campus Pastors, Pastors Tyler & Cherrell Lee after our Restoration Worship Experience on the 1st Sunday of the month. You will learn more about our mission, market, ministry tools and culture code. In-Person
Step 2: Discover Your Gifts
The DISC assessment will help you discover your personality type and preferences as you prepare to join others on the Dream Team. On-Line
Step 3: Get Involved
Discover your spiritual gifts and see how your design reveals your purpose in life and your best fit in ministry. Find out what it means to serve at Restoration using your God-given gifts. On-Line
Step 4: Meet the Family
We’ll introduce you to your new family during the 4th Sunday Restoration Worship Experience. In-Person
Serving Charlotte
North Carolina & Beyond
Sundays: 10:30 AM
Worship Experience
1st Sundays: Communion, Dedications, & Family First Giving
Mondays 6:00 AM
Live Stream Prayer Connection
Wednesdays 7:30 PM
Restoration Training Nights
5th Wednesdays: Night of Worship (N.O.W.)
4th Saturdays: Time TBD
BLOC Students & Young Adults Night
Join us in person or live online:
* Website live stream available on Sundays.

Start with Prayer
At Restoration, we not only believe in the power of prayer, we believe in the law of prayer. Download a complimentary copy of our Prayers of Restoration e-Book to begin stirring the wonder-working of God in your life.