2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Ste 600
Charlotte, NC 28273


Our Mission & Culture Code

Our Mission

The Restoration Place exists so that people can belong, believe and become who they were meant to be in Christ.


Everyone is genetically predisposed with a need to belong. Research shows that this need is hardwired into our brain. It is a part of the same neural network as primary survival needs like food and water. A sense of belonging, connection, and love are essential to human development and well-being.


Faith is essential to life. Believing in things we cannot see gives us the hope we need to keep moving forward, no matter the difficulties life throws at us. Faith not only helps us overcome our trials, but it also gives us access to God’s presence, power, and promises.


Becoming has to do with our God-given purpose and potential. We were created with a specific plan in mind. Fulfillment in life happens when we are living in alignment with God’s original intent. This is the ultimate restoration we all seek for: becoming who we were meant to be in Christ.

Our Culture Code

Our culture is shaped by 8 Guiding Values:

HONOR   We approach God with awe and reverence. We show respect to our leaders and elders. We value all people as God’s highest creation.

EXCELLENCE  We consistently go above and beyond to achieve the “Wow Factor.” Our personal best honors God and draws others.

COMPASSION   We are love-driven. We go as far as we can and stay as long as we can to help hurting people.

RELEVANCE  We deliver God’s Word in big, bold, innovative ways to reach people with a message that matters to them now.

RELATIONSHIPS   We do life together – up close and personal, by providing meaningful, creative ways to connect people to God and to each other. To us, it’s all about family.

GENEROSITY   We give like there are no limits.

POWER   We’re impact players who expect God-sized results that radically change lives. We play to win.

SERVICE   We are here to meet the needs of people. Period.

Serving Charlotte

North Carolina & Beyond

Sundays: 10:30 AM

Worship Experience

1st Sundays: Communion, Dedications, & Family First Giving

Mondays 6:00 AM

Live Stream Prayer Connection

Wednesdays 7:30 PM

Restoration Training Nights

5th Wednesdays: Night of Worship (N.O.W.)

4th Saturdays: Time TBD

BLOC Students & Young Adults Night

Prayers of Restoration | The Restoration Place Church

Start with Prayer

At Restoration, we not only believe in the power of prayer, we believe in the law of prayer. Download a complimentary copy of our Prayers of Restoration e-Book to begin stirring the wonder-working of God in your life.